The War continue's while worlds had been re-discovered by the warring factions including a forgotten and forbidden Solar System with a very rich asteroid field near a terran class world. Things turned grim as the Vasari and the Advent also formed an alliance against them in order to conquer their worlds or burn them. The common Advents and "Union" Advents, The Union stablished contact with the TEC worlds requesting diplomatic negotiation few years later the Union and the TEC formed an alliance against the Vasari and the Advent. War rage on, the Advent has utterly divided into two faction. Nations/Faction: Good: TEC loyal + Advent Rebels. So it need a campaign to make an crossover story? got an idea for one. The three races are now locked in a seemingly never ending war with each other. They have returned as the Advent, a powerful, advanced, psychic army which is determined to seek revenge against humanity for their banishment.

One thousand years earlier, the trade order banished a group of "deviants" from a small desert world orbiting a red star for committing "acts of deviancy, at every level of society". The humans seem to be making ground against the Vasari onslaught for some time, but in the midst of this progress, the past arrive to haunt them. The Human race was losing on all fronts until the TEC was formed to combat the alien threat. An ancient alien race (known as the Vasari), which is on the run from some mysterious threat that has been chasing them for thousands of years, arrives in human space and begins a conflict with the human race (organized under the banner of the Trade Order). While there is no campaign, the premise of the game is introduced via an introductory cinematic. History of the Game Sins of a Solar Empire takes place in multiple star systems across the galaxy. Let's not forget the MODS! Sins of the Fallen, Maelstrom, Sins of the Galactic Empire, Dark Reavers Mod, Stars, distant mod, Sin of the Prophet (Halo Mod), Dawn of the Reapers (MA Mods) and MANY more. the TEC have better economy and cheap ships, the Advent's firepower and support is impossible to match, Vasari's territory expansion.

Each race have their own adventage, design and gameplay focus. Vasari : Re-conquering their old space and fleeing from their ancient enemy. The Races are neither good or evil, why? this: TEC : Fighting for Survival. Seriously, this is the best sci-fi RTS game I ever played! the game doesn't have campaign but the gameplay compensated that. How come that there are VERY RARE fics of this game?